Perimeter institute building view from the parking lot

Code of conduct

Perimeter Institute is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that is free from unlawful harassment, violence and/or discrimination. PI supports a zero tolerance policy with regards to workplace harassment, violence and/or discrimination. Every PI employee, volunteer and patron has the right to freedom from such behaviour.

Perimeter Institute will not tolerate or condone behaviour that is contrary to the Human Rights Code or other Canadian provincial or federal legislation anywhere in its workplace or any activities on or off of company premises which could reasonably be associated with the workplace (e.g. field trips, events, residence dorms etc.)

Every Perimeter Institute Resident, Visitor, Guest, Volunteer and Representative must:

  • Abide by Perimeter Institute policies and procedures and report any known or suspected violations of these policies and procedures.
  • Treat all Perimeter Institute Residents, Visitors, Guests, Volunteers, Patrons and Outreach participants with dignity and respect.
  • Request advice from a Volunteer Coordinator, Mentor/Supervisor or Human Resources when an ethical issue arises.
  • Cooperate in internal investigations about any reported violation.

If you experience workplace harassment, violence and/or discrimination it is imperative you follow these key steps:

  1. Immediately make your discomfort and disapproval known to the person who is discriminating or harassing you. If you are uncomfortable doing this please contact the Volunteer Coordinator, your Mentor/Supervisor, or Human Resources.
  2. Keep a written record of the alleged nature of the harassment.
  3. If informal attempts at resolving the issue are not appropriate, or proving to be ineffective, a formal complaint may be filed with the Volunteer Coordinator, your Mentor/Supervisor, or Human Resources.
  4. Human Resources will conduct an investigation.
  5. Prepare an official written report of the complaint to assist in the investigation.

You have the right to appeal to the Human Rights Commission if you are unsatisfied with how the complaint has been handled. (This is considered a last resort.)