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Emmy Noether initiatives

Perimeter Institute aims to effect real change regarding under-represented groups within theoretical physics through a series of special initiatives named after pioneering German mathematician Emmy Noether.

Support these initiatives

The Emmy Noether Initiatives at Perimeter Institute include:

  • Faculty Positions and Research Chairs: Unlike traditional university positions, Perimeter faculty members have no mandatory teaching duties and few administrative burdens. Research Chairs are provided additional supports for their cutting-edge research, enabling them to pursue breakthrough science.
  • The Simons Emmy Noether Fellows Program: Timed to support women at a critical stage of their career, six annual fellowships enable visiting scientists to spend up to a year in Perimeter’s thriving, multidisciplinary community. Fellows collaborate, network, and pursue their work in a unique, ambitious, and family-friendly environment.
  • PhD Students and Postdoctoral Fellows: Perimeter PhD students interact with research leaders from around the world, laying the foundation for a future career in physics. Our postdoctoral program provides unique mentoring for intellectually adventurous young theorists, who go on to flourish as independent researchers.
  • Emmy Noether Emerging Talent Awards are funded by a collective of donors committed to increasing the number of women in physics and helping to advance women at critical stages of their education and careers. The awards support exceptional students for the duration of their PhD studies at Perimeter.
  • Ptarmigan Foundation Stephen W. Hawking Fellowship
    • Ana-Maria Raclariu holds the prestigious Stephen W. Hawking four-year fellowship supported by the Ptarmigan Foundation. Ana, currently completing her PhD at Harvard, arrived at Perimeter in late 2020. She joins the Centre for the Universe, which is led by Perimeter's Director Emeritus, Neil Turok.
  • Perimeter Scholars International: An intensive, one-year master's degree program, PSI stresses problem solving and teamwork, rather than rote learning and grading. Women make up around one-third of PSI students, and graduate with powerful, widely applicable skills.
  • Honorary PSI Scholarship Award
  • Inspiring Future Women in Science Events: Featuring leading women physicists, engineers, mathematicians, media personalities, and more, these annual events for high school students are an important first step in supporting and encouraging women in the sciences.
  • International Summer School for Young Physicists: This annual two-week program brings together 40 Canadian and international high school students for an exciting and challenging look at life and work in a world-leading physics institute. Perimeter ensures that half of the attendees each year are young women.

The Emmy Noether Initiatives are backed by a group of funders and champions of women in science called the Emmy Noether Circle. Strategic expertise to help drive and promote this mission is provided by members of the Emmy Noether Council.

Meet the First Lady of Mathematics: Emmy Noether

Emmy Noether Initiatives are part of Perimeter Institute’s ongoing efforts to effect real change in the longstanding under-representation of women in physics. To that end, Perimeter makes particular efforts to: sponsor and host conferences and workshops devoted to women in physics; use educational outreach and communications channels to showcase the contributions women make to physics; strive toward gender equity in Perimeter Scholars International (PSI) master’s programs and other training programs; and tailor individual fellowship opportunities to outstanding women researchers.

Learn more about how you can support these initiatives